
Project: Sunich Group Factorys

Customer: Alifard Group

Product: Air Cooled Chiller, Rooftop Package Unit, Air Handling Unit

Subject of Contract: Supply and commissioning five units of Kappa Rev HE 85.2 Air Cooled Chiller each with capacity of 255 tons (RT)

Supply and commissioning of five Rooftop Package Units

Design, supply and commissioning of 19 Air Handling Units up tp 37200 CFM


Project Name: Tehran Cement

Customer: Siman Tehran

Product: Industrial Gas Burner

Subject of Contract: Supply and commissioning one unit of EG 1000 Rotary Cup Gas Burner and one unit of PGN 3SP Gas Burner.


Project Name: Plastic Injection  Abhar

Customer: Tazrigh Plastic Abhar

Product: Industrial Air Cooled Chiller (free cooling)

Subject of Contract: Supply and commissioning one unit of Kappa Rev FC 65.2 with capacity of 181 tons (RT)


Project Name: Eskam

Customer: Ekteshaf Engineering Co.

Product: Combination Burner

Subject of Contract: Supply and commissioning of PGECN 3SPSL Combination Burners.


Project Name: Hazrat Masoome Industrial phase 2

Customer: Haram Hazrat Masoome development

Product: Rotary Cup Combination Burner

Subject of Contract: Design, supply and commissioning four units of BGEC 500 Rotary Cup Combination Burners, set of Gas Train including Electrical Control Panel and combustion control system.


Project Name: Iramco

Customer: Iremco Co.

Poduct: Rotary Cup Combination Burner

Subject of Contract: Supply and commissioning three units of BGEC 500 Rotary Cup Combination Burners, Electrical Control Panel and combustion control system.